Detailed design and construction of phase 1 of the new low level waste disposal facility adjacent to the Dounreay site. Phase 1 of this facility will comprise two below ground vaults, each approximately 80m long by 45m wide and excavated into Caithness Flagstone rock to a depth of approximately 20m. A shallow groundwater catchment system and deeper excavation pumping system will be required, and the extracted water passed through a passive on-site water treatment system. Each vault is to be completed with concrete walls and floors constructed to a standard consistent with water retaining structures with a steel framework roof.


Dounreay Site Restoration Limited

Building D2003, Zone 10, Dounreay

Contact: Contracts Officer

Attn: Debbie Denoon

KW14 7TZ Thurso


Tel. +44 1847806003


Fax +44 1847802521

The site is located in an environmentally sensitive area so all construction activities must be carried out in a manner that minimises impact to the local environment, including noise, dust generation, ground borne vibrations and local traffic. The site currently has constraints which exclude the use of blasting during excavations, although this constraint may be lifted by the time the contract is let. As a result, tenderers will be requested to provide costed estimates for both blasting assisted and non blasting excavation options. All excavated material is to be stored in a waste storage area adjacent to the excavation.

The contractor will be required to obtain the appropriate CAR (groundwater abstraction) and PPC (pollution control) licenses associated with groundwater abstraction and treatment as well as the operation of the rock spoil waste storage facility, and maintain these during construction of the facilities.

The facilities will require a Radioactive Substance Act authorisation prior to the emplacement of waste. The Employer is progressing this authorisation by means of an Environmental Safety Case. The contractor will be required to demonstrate that the detailed design and construction satisfies the current assumptions within the Environmental Safety Case.

The contract will be under the NEC3 incentivised target cost conditions. The contract will include a series of key performance indicators based on issues such as safety, waste minimisation, and stakeholder / environmental impact.

Range between 60 000 000 and 80 000 000 GBP