All articles by Cms Admin
Internationalization of supply – how can it grow?
Although supply chains for a new nuclear reactor can stretch all the way around the world, regulation ends at the border. New binding international rules could simplify nuclear exports and improve their oversight. By Steve Kidd
How to choose lights for nuclear applications
Nuclear power plants (NPPs) worldwide require a wide range of complex, powerful lighting solutions, from fuel pool lights and seismically-qualified emergency lighting fixtures to reactor core refueling lights and underwater camera lights. However, there are numerous intricate engineering considerations for such systems, given the rigorous demands of the environment. By Amy Brown and Eric Birns
Emptying ISFSIs
Eventually, the dry interim spent fuel storage sites (ISFSIs) that have cropped up around US nuclear power plants will have to be emptied, and their fuel sent to one or several long-term waste repositories. A recent study has characterised the types of containers that they use, and their implications for transport.
Steady and safe
China has released its new energy policy, along with new mid- to long-term plans for the development of nuclear power and plans to improve nuclear safety and security. By Caroline Peachey
Compiling standards
While the safety record for the transport of radioactive materials is exemplary, and has been so for over 50 years, it is very important that this is not taken for granted. For that purpose, industry practices are exchanged and, from those, good practices developed. By Michel Hartenstein and Henry-Jacques Neau
Hitachi buys Horizon of UK
Hitachi Limited of Japan has bought the UK’s Horizon Nuclear Power for GBP 696 million ($1.1 billion) from German utility joint-venture partners RWE npower and E.On. The transaction is expected to be completed at the end of November.
Hydraulic bolt tensioners
Just as there are many different ways to tighten a bolt on a valve, heat exchanger, reactor coolant pump, reactor pressure vessel, or steam generator, there are many different tightening tools. By Will Dalrymple
Capturing 30 years of BWR ECP experience
Electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) monitoring has been in use since the early 1980s. It is essential in ensuring the effectiveness of chemical mitigation of stress corrosion cracking. A new EPRI Sourcebook will provide an updated reference on ECP sensor technologies, monitoring locations, and data management. By Susan Garcia
Crystal clean
A system that cleans fuel with the same operating principle as jewellery cleaners has been used for a sampling analysis of crud at Ringhals 4. By Will Dalrymple