Specialists have completed installation of the transport portal at unit 2 of Russia’s Kursk-II NPP. The transport portal is necessary for the delivery of fresh fuel for the reactor, unloading of used nuclear fuel, and the installation of heavy equipment. Initially the elements of the portal were assembled after which the finished structure was installed in place. The same process had been carried out unit 1. Previously, at other NPPs, the portal was installed one element at a time. “The new procedure significantly reduces installation time,” said Andrey Osharin, Acting Director of the Kursk NPP.
The height of the entire portal structure is 27.5 metres and the total weight 340 tonnes. In the future, specialists will connect the portal with the transport gateway using a rail track. “Completion of the installation of the transport portal will allow us to begin the installation of heavy equipment, which is located inside the sealed containment of the reactor compartment. This includes the reactor vessel, the main circulation pipeline, steam generators and a pressure compensator,” said Oleg Shperle, Vice-President and project director for construction of the Kursk NPP. The unit will also have four steam generators each weighing 355 tonnes.
Kursk II will replace the currently operating Kursk NPP, which comprises four ageing RBMK reactors (one of which is already closed). Units 1&2, currently under construction, will have VVER-TOI reactors – a development of the VVER-1200 reactor design. The VVER-TOI has increased power and improved technical and economic indicators, as well as increased resistance to extreme external influences. Currently work is being carried out at 156 facilities on the Kursk-II site. The number of construction and installation personnel in August totalled more than 8,500.
Image courtesy of Rosatom