Sweden's Studsvik and Finland's Fennovoima have signed an agreement to support the final stages of the development of Studsvik’s Core Management System 5 (CMS5) nuclear fuel analysis software for VVER-type pressurised water reactors. The new version of CMS5 will be specific to the hexagonal-shaped nuclear fuel assemblies in Russian-designed VVER-1000 and VVER-1200 reactors. CMS5 is already widely-used by the operators of some 200 nuclear plants that use square-shaped fuel assemblies based on reactor designs that originated in the USA.
Fennovoima, which plans to build a VVER-1200 nuclear power plant at Hanhikivi in northern Finland by 2024, will support Studsvik in completing the CMS5-VVER verification and validation.
"Adapting CMS5 for VVER type reactors will make the state-of-the-art in nuclear fuel analysis available to us for planning and operating our power plant effectively and economically," said Hanna Virlander, nuclear technology manager, at Fennovoima.
Currently, 22 VVER-1000 reactors are operating in five countries, outside of Russia. Plans are in place to build an additional seven VVER-1000 and seven VVER-1200 units.
Development of CMS5-VVER will allow operators to manage the entire nuclear fuel lifecycle from fuel and reactor performance optimisation, through to the ultimate disposal of used nuclear fuel. The applications include GARDEL for reactor core monitoring, S3K for transient analysis, S3R for real-time operation of training simulators, SNF for the characterisation of used nuclear fuel, MARLA for refuelling optimisation, used fuel management, planning and managing the storage of spent nuclear fuel in the used fuel pools and interim storage casks.