Health physics and radiological monitoring control services.
Dounreay Site Restoration Limited
D2003 / Zone 10, Dounreay, Thurso, Caithness
Contact: Contract Officer
Attn: Suzanne Mackenzie
KW14 7TZ Thurso
Tel. +44 1847806891
Fax +44 1847802521
Internet address(es)
General address of the contracting authority
To receive more information about this tender, including any amendments and/or clarifications and to request any clarifications and/or to respond to this tender, you must register your interest to this tender on the following site:
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Health physics and radiological monitoring control services.
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): This opportunity is a collaborative procurement by a number of Participating Entities of the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Estate to include, but not limited to the provision of:
1) Health physics monitoring surveyors resource and other health physics support resource;
2) Health physics portable monitoring instrumentation support including repair, calibration and maintenance. This support for instrumentation managed by Participating Entities and used by the health physics monitoring resource 1) above;
3) Health physicists including Radiation Protection Advisers to provide health physics advice to the Participating Entities. The Participating Entities (PEs) of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Estate are:
— Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL), Caithness, Scotland — Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR), Cumbria, England,
— Magnox Limited comprising ten sites:
i. Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England;
ii. Bradwell, Essex, England;
iii. Chapelcross, Dumfriesshire, Scotland;
iv. Dungeness A, Kent, England;
v. Hinkley A, Somerset, England;
vi. Hunterston A, Ayrshire, Scotland;
vii. Oldbury, Gloucestershire, England;
viii. Sizewell A, Suffolk, England;
ix. Trawsfynydd, North Wales;
x. Wylfa, Anglesey, Wales,
— National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), Cumbria, England,
— Research Sites Restoration Limited (RSRL), Oxfordshire and
Dorset, England — Sellafield Sites Limited, Cumbria, England,
– Springfields Fuels Ltd, Lancashire, England.
This opportunity, leading to the award of framework contracts will be conducted under the Restricted Procedure. The contact details for organisations to obtain further information and pre-qualification requirements are set out elsewhere in this notice. However it should be noted that all communication must be made via the messaging tab in the CTM system. At this time Sellafield Sites Ltd, Cumbria, England (that includes Windscale) and Springfields Fuels Ltd, Lancashire, England are not active participants, but are included as they may engage at some later date. The estimated value of framework contracts in this notice only takes account of budgets forecast by the active participants.
Contact Range between 60 000 000 and 80 000 000 GBP
Starting 1.4.2012. Completion 31.3.2016
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
6.6.2011 – 12:00
Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates 29.6.2011
Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up English.