CAE has received $10 million in contracts from three customers: Atomic Energy of Canada (AEC); Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company, and AmerGen Energy Company.
AEC has bought a power plant contrl system for Romania’s second Candu reactor at the Cernavoda site. The digital control computer (DCC) will be delivered to the unit at the beginning of 2004. In 1984, CAE sold AECL a DCC for Cernavoda 1.
Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company of China has purchased spare parts for the DCC at its Qinshan 3 plant, which CAE supplied in 1998.
CAE has also been awarded a cotract to perform an update of the Clinton power station simulator owned by AmerGen Energy. Under the contract, CAE will replace existing simulation models with new ones created in ROSE(R), CAE’s component-based visual programming environment. The ROSE(R) models will simulate the new conditions resulting from the power uprate project that will be performed intermittently at the Clinton BWR over the next few years. The original simulator at Clinton was built by the Singer company. CAE has had contracts to upgrade the simulator since 1996.