Specialist bolt tensioner manufacturer Boltight Ltd is helping customers get the most from their Boltight bolt tensioning equipment by offering bespoke after sales support. Customers can choose to include a fully-customisable training course in addition to 24/7 technical support as part of the commissioning package on new equipment.

The training courses cover Boltight’s hydraulic bolt tensioners, hydraulic nuts, hydraulic pumps and ancillary equipment and are normally split into two components. Class numbers are kept small to ensure everyone gets the personal attention they need.

In the classroom, students concentrate on the theory of bolting. After an introduction to bolt tensioning, there are modules on safety, the theory of tensioning and the various elements that make up the purchased system. A final module deals with equipment maintenance and storage. Learning is reinforced through a number of question and answer exercises.

Students then get the opportunity to turn theory into practice by working on a test rig that has been set up either at Boltight’s headquarters in the UK, or at the customer’s own site, if preferred. For highly specialised applications, Boltight may suggest training takes place on the actual plant where the equipment will be used.

All Boltight tools are supplied with a comprehensive 100-page health and safety, operating and maintenance manual, both in printed and digital formats, but additional after sales support is always available. The company provides ongoing technical support 24/7. If required customers can request a Boltight engineer be present onsite to help with commissioning new equipment. Help is also offered with integrating Boltight’s documentation into a customer’s own quality management systems, whether the requirement is to develop a procedure manual, checklist, method statement or risk assessment.

Explained Boltight director Fred Heaton: "Our aim is to provide customers with through-life support for our products. When customers are not familiar with our equipment it makes sense to purchase training and additional support as part of the commissioning process. The objective is to make sure personnel know how to use the equipment and appreciate the theory behind the use of bolt tensioners as well as the advantages over other methods of tightening. We travel all over the world to provide this support to our customers."