The decision has been taken to extend the operating licence of Ukraine's Zaporozhye 5 by ten years (Credit: Energoatom)Ukraine’s nuclear utility, Energoatom, on 5 January received a licence from the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), which recognised the feasibility of safe operation of Zaporozhye 5 for an additional ten years. 

It sets date for the next periodic reassessment of the safety of the power unit as 27 May 2030. The licence extends to the technological complex as part of the Zaporozhye 5 as well as to facilities and structures technologically connected with it.

The previous day the SNRUI Board, at an on-line meeting had decided to extend the operating life of the VVER-1000 reactor based on the latest periodic safety reassessment (PSR) of Zaporozhye 5 carried out from 9-13  November.

Yuriy Kulba, ZNPP Acting Director General had submitted a report on the readiness of the plant for life extension.

Oleg Zeleny, Head of the Department for Analysis of Strength and Reliability of Nuclear Installations at the State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, presented a report on the PSR.

The head of the nuclear safety inspection at ZNPP (an independent department), Rostislav Baranovsky, also reported to the Board. Valery Bugai, Deputy Director of the Department for Nuclear Installations Safety and Head of the Division for Licensing of Operating Nuclear Installations, outlined the preparatory work that had been carried out at ZNPP for long-term operation.

The online conference was joined by representatives of Ukraine's Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Ecology, SNRIU, the State Nuclear Research Centre, the State Emergency Service, specialists from Energoatom and ZNPP.

Photo: The decision has been taken to extend the operating licence of Ukraine's Zaporozhye 5 by ten years (Credit: Energoatom)