Mine No 6 at Russia’s Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union (PIMCU) will receive funding from State nuclear corporation Rosatom of RUB27bn ($411m), according to Valery Makarov, advisor to the director general of uranium holding company Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ). This April, Glavgosekspertiza (state expert review authority) issued a positive statement for construction of the mine. The project implementation will start with construction of the shaft water treatment system worth “slightly more than RUB2bn”, Makarov noted on 3 August. “Now, we are taking part in a tender called by the Ministry of Economic Development and hope get a grant for this project,” he noted. Mine No 6’s operational reserves are estimated at 40,900t t of uranium (tU). The mine design production capacity is 1,800 tU a year. Commissioning is scheduled for 2022. Earlier reports said construction would be cost around RUB30bn.