Work on the construction and installation of a high-voltage power transmission line from the Rostov nuclear power plant to the Crimea is planned to be completed before 15 May, Tass reported on 8 May, citing First Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy for the region, Andrey Saveliev.
"As part of the construction of the 500 kV high voltage line Rostov-Andreevskaya-Vyshesteblievskaya (Taman) in the Rostov region, installation of supports has been completed in full, and installation of power lines is 99% complete," he said. Another 500 kV high-voltage line, which will ensure delivery of power from Unit 4 of the Rostov NPP to the southern power grid, has already been completed.
Earlier it was reported that the Rostov-Andreevskaya-Vyshesteblievskaya (Taman) high-voltage line would pass through the territory of Rodionovo-Nesvetay, Myasnikovsky and Azov regions, and Rostov-on-Don. It will also pass through nine municipalities in Krasnodar Territory. The length of the high-voltage line will be 477km.