The provision of engineering support in the area of Radwaste, radiological and environmental monitoring and nuclear safety to Fusion for Energy.
The call for tender is divided into 3 lots, each lot representing a separate and distinct field and for which a separate framework contract will be awarded. A tenderer may submit a tender for one or more lots.
Total quantity: EUR 2.5 million
Tender reference: 2011/S 72-118176
LOT NO: 1 TITLE Radwaste treatment and storage system
The Radwaste treatment and storage system (RWT&SS) engineering support shall mainly (but not only) be provided in the fields of:
— Critical review of IO and F4E technical document during all design phases of the system,
— Participation to system design review meetings (conceptual, preliminary and final),
— Draft and/or update of technical document necessary for the development of RWT&SS,
— Assessment, improvement and optimization of radwaste processes,
— Radwaste characterization methodologies,
— RWB layout assessment and optimization,
— RWB storage strategy assessment and optimization,
— Source terms assessment,
— Benchmarking subsystems, components and equipments availability, maturity and cost,
— Draft and review cost/benefit analysis,
— RWT&SS risk management,
— RWT&SS cost management,
— RWT&SS scope management,
— RWT&SS schedule management,
— RWT&SS interfaces management.
LOT NO: 2 TITLE Lot 2 – radiological and environmental monitoring system
The radiological and environmental monitoring system (REMS) engineering support shall be mainly (but not only) provided in the fields of:
— Critical review of IO and F4E technical document during all design phases of the system,
— Participation to system design review meetings (conceptual, preliminary and final),
— Draft and/or update of technical document necessary for the development of REMS,
— Benchmarking subsystems, components and equipments availability, maturity and cost,
— Draft and review cost/benefit analysis,
— REMS Risk Management,
— REMS cost management,
— REMS scope management,
— REMS schedule management,
— REMS Interfaces management.
LOT NO: 3 TITLE Lot 3 – compliance with ITER safety requirements
The compliance with ITER safety requirements support shall be mainly (but not only) provided in the fields of:
— Safety analyses such as failure mode effect analysis, fault 3 analysis, single failure assessment, severe accident modelling, PSA, HAZOP or other to be defined nuclear safety analysis,
— Assess the compliance with French order 10.8.1984 of specific European procurement arrangement.
Contact: The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (Fusion For Energy)
C. Josep Pla, nº 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral, Building B3
Attn: Romina Bemelmans
08019 Barcelona
Tel. +34 933201800
Fax +34 934897535
General address of the contracting authority