Radiation protection services, including radiation dosimeters; radioactive, toxic, medical and hazardous waste service; and, nuclear, biological and chemical radiological protection equipment.


Azienda sanitaria locale TA, viale Virgilio, 31, Contact: dott. Franco Quero, 74100 Taranto, ITALY

Tel. +39 0997786749

E-mail: francoquero1956@libero.it

Fax +39 099378522

Further information can be obtained at: As in above-mentioned contact point(s)


Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 90721600, 38341200, 90520000, 35113200

Description: Radiation protection services. Radiation dosimeters. Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services. Nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological protection equipment.


Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 26.7.2010 – 12:00

Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up: Italian.