Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (Polish Nuclear Power Plants) has submitted an environmental report on Poland’s first nuclear power plant.

The report on the environmental impact of the nuclear power plant (NPP), which is to be built in Pomerania, was submitted on 29 March to the General Director for Environmental Protection. This means that now it will be possible to resume the procedure for issuing the environmental decision.

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) report covers the construction and operation of the plant with an electric capacity of up to 3750MWe, in the area of the municipalities: Choczewo or Gniewino and Krokowa. The report is a key document in the environmental impact assessment procedure, which in turn is part of the procedure for the issue of the environmental decision.

As part of the assessment, two locations for the power plant were analysed: Lubiatowo-Kopalino in the Choczewo commune; and Żarnowiec in the territory of the Krokowa and Gniewino communes. Both were identified in 2014 and were analysed as part of the technical sub-options regarding the method of cooling the power plant, i.e. in an open cooling circuit with sea water and using sea water or desalinated cooling towers.

The final shape of the EIA report complies with the provisions of the decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection (GDOŚ), which in 2016 defined the scope of the environmental report in relation to the considered location variants and their technical sub-options, as well as in relation to the infrastructure accompanying the power plant. 

The report will be made available by the authority in accordance with the principles set out in the Act on the provision of information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and environmental impact assessments. 

Along with the environmental report, the company Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe also submitted documentation for the purpose of conducting a transboundary environmental impact assessment.

Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe is responsible for preparing the investment process and acting as an investor in a project to build nuclear power plants with a total installed capacity of 6-9GWe, based on safe, proven, large-scale, generation III + pressurised water reactors and their possible future operation.

The company also supports the government administration in activities aimed at the implementation of the Polish Nuclear Energy Programme and the implementation of the agreement between the Polish government and the US government on cooperation to develop a nuclear energy programme for civil purposes and the civil nuclear industry.

The Polish Energy Policy to 2040 assumes that in 2033 the first nuclear unit with a capacity of between 1000MWe and 1600MWe will begin operation. The next units will be implemented every two or three years.