Consolidation of the commercial nuclear power industry is continuing. In January, two electric utilities – Niagara Mohawk Power and Rochester Gas & Electric – formed a joint nuclear operating company to support and manage the operations of RG&E’s Ginna station and Niagara Mohawk’s Nine Mile Point 1&2 (shown below). Initially, the joint company, to be called the New York Nuclear Operating Co, will provide support services such as quality assessment, engineering support, emergency preparedness, fuel management and others. Later, it will take over management of the three plants. Consolidated Edison, owner and operator of the Indian Point 2 plant, has also expressed an interest in joining the new venture. The New York Power Authority, which operates the Indian Point 3 and FitzPatrick nuclear plants, has also been invited to join. B Ralph Sylvia, Niagara Mohawk’s executive vice president and chief nuclear officer, will serve as head of the new company.