A cabinet-level task force formed by the Bush administration to develop a long-term US energy strategy may recommend a role for new nuclear plants.

Vice president Dick Cheney, who heads the task force, said that the group will issue a report in about six weeks, and that no decisions had been made. But Cheney said new nuclear plants could help cut greenhouse gases that cause global warming better than the Kyoto treaty, which he called ‘seriously flawed’ because it places no restrictions on emissions of greenhouse gases by developing nations.

“If you want to do something about CO2 emissions, then you ought to build nuclear power plants. They don’t emit any CO2. They don’t emit greenhouse gases.

“If you’re really serious about greenhouse gases, one of the solutions to that problem is to go back, and let’s have another look at nuclear power, and see if we can use that to generate electricity without having any adverse consequences,” Cheney said.