AREVA NP is looking for about 1000 engineers and scientists due to a boom in nuclear power plant orders for its German facilities. The applicants should preferably be engineers for electro-technology, machinery and process-technology or experts for natural science or materials technology.

On May 27, 2009 it inaugurated the INKA test facility for PWR passive safety systems for its Kerena line of PWRs in development jointly with E.ON. At the Karlstein INKA facility, PWR components can be tested in a 1:1 scale.

Two days later, the company opened a new headquarters for 1600 engineers and staff members in Erlangen in presence of the Bavarian minister for internal affairs Joachim Hermann and AREVA chairwoman Anne Lauvergeon. In Germany AREVA has presently about 8000 employees. About 5000 are working on nuclear matters, the rest on electricity distribution and renewable energies like off shore wind plants.

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