Six nation talks aimed at securing an end to nuclear weapons development in North Korea have concluded their second day of talks.
China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the United States, the Republic of Korea (ROK), Russia and Japan have had two days of meetingds without apparently making much progress. However, bilateral meetings between the US and the DPRK have gone ahead and Washington has already assured Pyongyang it has no intention of attacking or invading the communist state. North Korea, meanwhile, has reportedly offered to dismantle its nuclear weapons in return for US concessions.
Hopes rest on what is described as a ‘two pillar’ approach in which the DPRK agree to abandon its nuclear development programme and the other parties normalise their relations with the DPRK, providing a security guarantee and economic cooperation.
The latest round of talks resumed in Beijing after more than a year break following a boycott by North Korea, which it blamed on hostile US policy.