Sealed Tenders, in TWO-PART, in quadruplicate, are invited by Executive Director, C&MM, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) from Indian and Foreign manufacturers as per the details given below :

CMM/FTP/22-31-1-1024 for Manufacture, supply of AISI 403 (ESR grade) Forged, Annealed Billets for End Fitting for KAPP 3&4 & RAPP 7&8 Project.

Tender Fee in Indian Rupees(Non-refundable): Rs.7,800

Last Date for Sale of Tender: 14.07.2009 upto 15.00 Hrs. IST

Due Date for Submission of both Part-I & Part-II Tender: 25.08.2009 upto 11.00 Hrs. IST

Date for Opening of Part-I Tender: 25.08.2009 at 11.30 Hrs. IST

Pre-Bid Meeting Date & Time:04.08.2009 at 11.00 Hrs. IST

Tender Document (Non-Transferable) containing technical specifications and relevant details will be available with Manager (Tender Section), C&MM, NPCIL, Nabhikiya Urja Bhavan, A-0 Block, P.O. Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai 400094, INDIA on any working day between 11:00 Hrs. and 15:00 Hrs. IST.

The interested Tenderers can submit a written request, superscribing the envelope with ‘Request for Tender Document No….’ either in person or through post on their Company’s Letterhead requesting the Tender Documents clearly bringing out in their request for the tender no. and subject of the tender sought by them. Tenderers should also enclose the requisite tender fees in the form of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of ‘Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited-C&MM’ and payable at Mumbai, INDIA. Payment by Cash or Cheque is NOT acceptable. The Tenderers shall write their Company’s Name and Tender Number on the reverse side of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque.

Bidders can also download the above tender from NPCIL’s website In such a case tender fee is to be deposited by way of requisite Demand Draft along with offer as per schedule. The offer not accompanied with the tender fee at the time of submission of tender will be rejected. However, such bidders are requested to communicate their identity (Company Name, Address, Fax No. & Contact person etc.) to Manager (Tender Section) at above mentioned address immediately. For Pre-bid meeting, Tenderers should sent their queries (both Technical and Commercial) Seven (7) days prior to the date of Pre-Bid Meeting.

In case of request for tender documents through post / courier, NPCIL will not be responsible for any delay/ non-delivery of either their request or subsequent receipt of tender document by the Tenderer or even the submission of the offers before the stipulated last date for their submission. Sealed offers shall be submitted on or before due date and time for their submission. NPCIL will not be responsible for any delay / non delivery of the offers sent by post. Offers received late and incomplete offers will be summarily rejected. Purchaser reserves the right to accept / reject any or all bids in part/ full without assigning any reason.

If the due date for opening of Tender / Pre-Bid meeting happens to be a holiday in NPCIL / BHAVINI the same will be carried out on the next working day at the same time.