In November 1999, the Bulgarian Government and the European Commission signed an Understanding in which the Bulgarian Government undertook a firm commitment to close and decommission Units 1 – 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) at the earliest possible dates. The Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF) has been established and is administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). One of the purposes of this Fund is to finance, or co-finance preparation and implementation of selected projects, which would require procurement of goods, works and services for modification of existing plant systems and construction of new decommissioning facilities in an environmentally safe and cost effective manner.
A Project Management Unit has been established and is in operation on the KNPP site to manage the projects notified below.
This General Procurement Notice is an update to the General Procurement Notice published on 9th August 2010, and draws attention to the following upcoming procurement activities:
• Supply of Equipment for Sample Analysis (Project 5d)
Supply of laboratory equipment and materials for the characterization and assay of Ion Exchange Resins in Auxiliary Buildings 1 and 2.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is six calendar months.
• Seismic Qualification Upgrade to Auxiliary Building No. 2 (Project 9f)
This project is for the design, supply and installation of materials to upgrade the structure of Auxiliary Buildings 1 and 2 to meet seismic regulations.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is eighteen calendar months.
• Supply of different types of containers for transport and storage of materials resulting from dismantling works (Project 11b-1)
The purpose of this project is the supply of containers for transport and site storage of materials and wastes resulting from the dismantling works. A Feasibility Study on the optimal packages for the materials and wastes associated with the dismantling of equipment and systems during the Decommissioning of Units 1-4 of KNPP is being carried out.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is three calendar months.
• Supply of Cutting Equipment for Size Reduction Areas in Turbine Hall (Project 12b-1)
The supply of vertical and horizontal electric band saws will be procured under this project.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is four calendar months.
• Supply of Hand Operated Equipment for Size Reduction and Decontamination Active Workshop (Project 12c)
The supply of tools for manual cutting and size reduction (manual saws, electrical saws, drilling machines, electrical screwdrivers, angle grinders, etc) will be procured under this project.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is six calendar months.
• Dismantling and Decontamination Tools and Equipment (Project 13a)
This project is for the supply of a range of equipment and tools such as excavators, mobile platforms, fork lift trucks and hand tools for the dismantling and decontaminating process in Turbine Hall.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is six calendar months.
• Construction of Heat Generation Plant (Project 15a)
As part of the physical separation of infrastructure of Units 5 and 6, an independent source of steam and heat will be required. This source will be powered up only if both units 5 and 6 are shut down temporarily for maintenance purposes. However it will have to have enough capacity to cover the heating needs of KNPP Site and support the heating loop of Kozloduy town. The Heat Generation Plant will use gas as a primary source of fuel with oil as a back-up.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is thirty-six calendar months.
• Decay and Storage Sites for Transitional Radioactive Waste and Non-radioactive Waste from Decommissioning (Project 19)
This project is for the design, construction, testing and commissioning of a site for temporary storage of transitional radioactive waste and other conventional waste from the decommissioning of Units 1 to 4.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is thirty six calendar months.
• Information Centres for Decommissioning (Project 20)
The existing information centre at Kozloduy NPP, Kozloduy Cultural Community Centre and KNPP Sofia Office are to be developed to include Information Centres for Decommissioning. The project will identify new media forms, models and equipment required and manage the procurement of these.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is nine calendar months.
• Inventory, Treatment and Conditioning of Contaminated Soil (Project 23)
This project is to carry out a survey of the KNPP decommissioning site and provide an inventory of contaminated ground. Following this, suitable methodology and equipment to allow remediation will be procured
The expected duration of the contract implementation is thirty six calendar months.
• Concrete Core Sampling Analyses (Project 24)
This project is for the provision of services of a specialist contractor to carry out core sampling and analysis of concrete structures, e.g. the reactor pond walls and other structures which come into contact with contaminated water to determine the depth of any contamination to allow the decommissioning of the structures to be accurately planned.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is eighteen calendar months.
• Equipment for Demolishing Structures inside the Turbine Halls, Auxiliary Buildings and Reactor Buildings, Units 1 to 4 (Project 26)
This project is for the supply of equipment for internal cutting, demolition and processing of reinforced concrete structures within Turbine Halls, Reactor Buildings and Auxiliary Buildings at KNPP 1-4.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is twelve calendar months.
• Waste Backlog Treatment (Project 28)
This project is for the supply of equipment for the retrieval and treatment of the accumulated quantities of radioactive sludge at Units 1-4 of Kozloduy NPP.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is twelve calendar months.
• New Utilities for Decommissioning Infrastructure (Project 32b)
This project is for the design, equipment and distribution networks to supply utilities and services separate from the existing systems to allow decommissioning activities to proceed separately. Includes electrical, water, compressed air, nitrogen supplies.
The expected duration of the contract implementation is twenty four calendar months
The estimated total budget for the above projects is 56,000,000 Euros.
Tendering for contracts to be financed from grants of the KIDSF will be in line with the EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from eligible countries as of 1 August 2011: EU member states, Switzerland and the EBRD countries of operation.
Mr. John Bourke, KPMU Commercial Manager, Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, Kozloduy, Bulgaria. Fax. + 359 973 7 4508. E-mail:
With a copy to: Mr. Bogdan Dimitrov, Head of Commercial Division, Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, Kozloduy, Bulgaria. Fax. + 359 973 7 6008. E-mail: