Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) has signed memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with Norway’s Norsk Kjernekraft and Sweden’s Kärnfull Next to cooperate in sharing information on KHNP’s i-SMR. The companies will conduct preliminary feasibility studies on candidate sites, and developing SMR Smart Net-zero City (SSNC) models.
The i-SMR is being developed according to a development roadmap, with the goal of completing the standard design by the end of 2025 and obtaining standard design approval in 2028. It is a 190 MWe integrated pressurised water reactor NPP. The operation verification simulator will be used to verify design and operation suitability. KHNP said results derived from the simulator operation process will be reflected in the standard design process, noting that the current simulator is an early version that reflects the concept and basic design of the i-SMR. The concept and basic design of the i-SMR was completed at the end of 2023, and standard design should be ready by December 2025.
Local governments in Norway and Sweden have shown growing interest in SMRs and KHNP plans to discuss ways to promote i-SMR projects that are tailored to regional characteristics by expanding cooperation with local companies.
Norsk Kjernekraft aims to build, own and operate SMR power plants in Norway in collaboration with power-intensive industry. It says it will follow the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Milestones Approach and will prepare licence applications in accordance with national regulations and international standards.
“In our endeavour to expand Norway’s supply of reliable, affordable and clean power, we’ll be cooperating with KHNP, one of the world’s most renowned nuclear power companies,” said Norsk Kjernekraft CEO Jonny Hesthammer.
Swedish small modular reactor project development company Kärnfull Next (a subsidiary of Kärnfull Future AB) is seeking to have the first commercial SMR operational at a new nuclear site in Sweden by the early 2030s. Kärnfull Next has been conducting site selection and feasibility studies in several municipalities in Sweden since 2022.
KHNP said these agreements are expected to be an important opportunity for KHNP to strengthen its position in the European SMR market. “Based on the technological excellence of i-SMR and its experience in constructing and operating nuclear power plants at home and abroad, KHNP plans to solidify its position in the European market and play a leading role in the global energy transition trend.”