Kenya’s Ministry of Energy has released an updated power development plan, including energy strategy between 2017 and 2037. This postpones construction of the planned KES968bn ($9.6bn) NPP for nine years. The plant was originally planned for construction in 2027, but is now set for 2036 at the earliest. Unit 1 is expected to be built in 2036, followed by unit 2 the following year. In the meantime, Kenya will focus on renewable energy and coal power. “All energy sources were considered in the system expansion planning. However, it is noteworthy that nuclear was not brought on board in both optimised and fixed MTP cases,” the Ministry’s plan notes. The NPP will also be reduced in size from the initial proposal for two 1,000MWe units each costing KES405bn to two 600MWe units each costing KES484bn. The Ministry did not explain the cost increase.