Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. and AREVA have announced that they intend to work together to deliver filtered containment venting systems (FCVS) for boiling water reactors in Japan.
An agreement, announced 4 June, will see Hitachi-GE adopt AREVA technology for the design, fabrication, and installation of FCVS in Japanese BWRs.
FCVS enhance the safety of nuclear power plants by playing an important role in preventing damage to primary containment vessel (PCV) due to pressure rises in situations where severe damage has occurred to the reactor. They also act as a filtering system for removing the radioactive material.
"This partnership combines AREVA’s technology, experience, and know-how in FCVS with Hitachi-GE’s extensive technology, experience, and know-how about BWR nuclear power plants in Japan to adapt FCVS and achieve early delivery for these plants," the companies said in separate statements.
Hitachi-GE said that it has been working with AREVA, which has already installed FCVS in over 50 nuclear plants worldwide, to study the functions and performance of systems suitable for installation at BWR nuclear power plants in Japan since the Fukushima accident.
Photo: Filtered containment venting system (Source: AREVA)