Fire & Safety 2001 Programme
Chairman: Fred Emerson, Nuclear Energy Institute, USA
Long term financial and legal effects of fire Joaquin Rierola, Vandellos, Hispano-Francesa de Energia Nuclear SA, Spain
Assessing fire hazards: WANO’s approach to peer reviews Mark Jee, WANO
Fire risk insights from nuclear power plant fire incidents Steven Nowlen, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr M Kazarians, Kazarians & Assocs; Dr N Siu & H W Woods, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA
Fire risk assessment in British Energy Allan Haighton, N Harrison, K Dyer, British Energy, UK
Deterministic and probabilistic approaches: the Smolensk safe shutdown analysis project Andrew Minister, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Guerman Soldatov, VNIIAES, Russia; Dr Vladimir Morozov, Atomenergoproject, Russia
Using performance indicators for fire protection at Brunswick Roger Sims, Brunswick Nuclear Plant, USA
Performance-based fire hazard analysis Zhou Wei Hong, Ling Ao Nuclear Power Company, China
Recent work on fire protection upgrading in India; lessons learned from Kaiga S S Bajaj, Nuclear Power Corporation, India
Romania’s fire protection concept Valentina Covalschi, Nuclearelectrica, Romania
Use of fire models for nuclear power plant applications P J Rew, Y M Kenyon, D M Deaves, WS Atkins Consultants and A P Haighton, British Energy Generation Ltd, UK
Fire induced vulnerability evaluation-methodology (FIVE) vs deterministic fire hazard/risk analysis – substitute or necessary complement? Rainer Molinari, Siemens Nuclear Power GmbH, Germany
A fire incident database: development and results Thomas Furlong and Wayne R Sohlman, Nuclear Electric Insurance, USA
Nuclear property insurance fire loss experience associated with the global nuclear industy William G Wendland, American Nuclear Insurers, USA
Chairman: Steven P Nowlen, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Performance-based deterministic fire hazards analysis Robert Kalantari, Engineering Planning and Management, USA
Developments in German fire PSA Dr Heinz Peter Berg, GRS, Germany tbc
“Please contact Julie Rossiter to book your place or request more information. |
Fire risk analysis in Indian PHWRs Gopika Vinod, A K Babar, R K Saraf, H S Kushwaha & V Venkat Raj, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
Large scale testing as an aid to the management of risk and risk assessment Keith Murray & Mark Snell, Darchem Flare, UK
Estimation of critical heating times of equipment at high ambient temperatures O Keski-Rahkonen, VTT, Finland
The application of an improved catalytic sensor to fire detection Prof Tong Minming, China University of Mining & Technology, China
Fire PRA methodological issues and the USNRC fire methods research programme Steven P Nowlen, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr Nathan Siu, Dr Alan Rubin, Adel El-Bassioni and H W Woods, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA
Fire protection in US fuel cycle facilitiestbc
Fire protection at a Japanese fuel cycle facility Dr Abe, Department of Fuel Cycle Safety Research, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
A deterministic fire risk assessment for a laboratory K Carey and M Selway, AEA Technology, UK
Nuclear and fire safety within a Royal Naval Dockyard Roger Millis, AEA Technology, UK
Fires in the spent fuel pool Amarjit Singh, Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safeguards, Nuclear Regulatory Commision, USA
Chairwoman: Marina Rowekamp, GRS, Germany
Fire as an external threat
Two nuclear sites have been threatened recently by large scale fires around the perimeter. Dr Richard Burick from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Gary Swearingen from Hanford , will explain the extent of the threat, how their facilities responded, and what lessons should be learned by nuclear operators.
The miles of cabling and extensive I&C systems in any nuclear facility pose special problems for those charged with assuring fire safety. In this session we look at this problem in detail, considering both how I&C components are affected by fire, and the effects of fire damage on the system as a whole. Experience from power plants and from other facilities is welcomed.
Papers include:
Behaviour of French electrical cables under fire conditions Remy Bertrand, IPSN/DES/SERS, France
Assessing the fire performance of electric cables (FIPEC) Steve Grayson, Interscience Communications, UK
Quantification of acute effects of smoke on insulation resistance of electronics Mangs & O Keski-Rahkonen, VTT Building Technology, and M Letonsaari, Applied Electronics Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Thermal effects of the functional behaviour of cables Petra Andersson, Swedish National Testing & Research Institute, Sweden
Developing low fire hazard cables, and their use at Yonggwang and Temelin Habia Cables (speaker tbc)
Others taking part in this special session will include: T A Gorman, BWR Owners Group Jürgen Will, TU Braunschweig, Germany