The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the US Army Corps of Engineers on 3 November jointly issued a final environmental impact statement for two new reactors proposed for a site adjacent to the Turkey Point NPP, near Miami, Florida. NRC staff concluded that there are no environmental impacts to preclude issuing the combined construction and operation licences (COLs). The Corps of Engineers has yet to complete its review of Florida Power and Light's (FPL’s) application for licences for the two units, which was submitted in 2009.
FPL is proposing to build two AP1000 units, Turkey Point 6 and 7 and NRC is still working on the project’s final safety evaluation report, which will include a review by the NRC’s advisory committee on reactor safeguards, an independent group of nuclear safety experts. The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board is conducting a legal hearing on a challenge to the application. When the technical review is completed, the NRC’s commissioners will conduct a separate mandatory hearing regarding the application and the staff’s review. All of these steps must be completed before the NRC can reach a final decision on the Turkey Point application, the NRC said. FPL submitted a COL application in June 2009. The NRC certified the AP1000 design for US use in December 2011.