EDF has approved an order for 44 replacement steam generators to be installed at its 1300 MW nuclear plants in France. The deal is worth over EUR 1.5 billion to suppliers Areva and Westinghouse who will supply 32 and 12 SGs, respectively.

Tubing of a steam generator at Chalon Saint Marcel
Valinox Nucleaire is to manufacture all of the steam generator tubes at its Montbard facility in France. Areva plans to forge and assemble the steam generators at its Le Creusot and Chalon Saint Marcel plants. Westinghouse says it will use Mangiarotti S.p.A. in Italy for the steam generator assembly, as well as other European forging companies.
Each steam generator will weigh approximately 438 tonnes, and include 122 km of tubes for the production of steam.
Areva is scheduled to deliver 16 steam generators in July 2016, eight in January 2017 and a further eight in January 2018. Westinghouse has not announced delivery dates for its 12 units.
Luc Oursel, CEO of Areva said: “I am delighted with this exceptional order which testifies to EDF’s confidence in our ability to honor our commitments in a particularly short space of time.”
The steam generators will be installed in the relevant French nuclear power plants (1300 MW series) from 2017 onwards. France currently has twenty 1300 MW plants in operation (Belleville 1-2, Cattenom 1-4, Flamanville 1-2, Golfech 1-2, Nogent/Seine 1-2, Paluel 1-4, Penly 1-2 and Saint-Alban 1-2). Each 1300 MW reactor has four steam generators, which suggests that this order is for eleven reactors.
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