French firm CORYS has won a multi-million euro contract to renovate the training simulators at Mochovce units 1&2 and Bohunice V2 in Slovakia. Both projects have already started and are due to be completed in August 2012 and April 2013, respectively.

CORYS will upgrade the Bohunice V2 simulator
CORYS, which is owned by Areva and EDF, said that it will carry out the upgrades with its US subsidiary CORYS Thunder and with the assistance of Slovak partner VUJE.
The Mochovce units 1&2 simulator, originally built by GSE Systems of the USA, will undergo a platform and instructor station replacement. Most of the simulator models and the input/output (I/O) system will also be replaced to give a more accurate representation and enhanced precision.
The Bohunice V2 simulator, which was built by CORYS, will be re-hosted to a PC platform and many of the models will be upgraded to the latest CORYS technology, to reflect the modernization and upgrade programmes that have been carried out on the plants over the last 5 years.
Both simulators will be used for operator training and licensing of VVER440 V213 pressurized water reactor (PWR) units.
Bohunice and Mochovce are both operated by Slovenske Elektrarne.
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