In March, Russian fuel producer TVEL will deliver the last batch of fuel to China for use in Tianwan nuclear power plant. In future, fuel for the two VVER-1000 units will be fabricated in China’s Ibinskom Fuel Plant, using technology transferred by TVEL.

In 1997, TVEL signed an agreement with Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation to supply first core loads and three reload batches of fuel for Tianwan 1&2. 1997. Since then, 638 fuel assemblies have been manufactured in Russia’s Novosibirsk Chemical concentrates Plant (NCCP). During the period Chinese experts conducted over 40 inspections and audits at the NPCC plant.

Head of the Fuel Division at JNPC, Chen Jun said: “The NPCC system for ensuring product quality is at the highest level. Fuel produced by the plant ensures reliable and safe operation of the two units of Tianwan.”

Deputy Director General of NCCP, Konstantin Grabelnikov said that the experience at the Tianwan station was an excellent indicator of fuel performance, with no fuel failures at the two units in five reactor years.

TVEL is currently in talks to continue and expand cooperation with China.

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