Areva has been awarded a contract by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for engineering and development work towards the potential completion of the Bellefonte 1 reactor in northern Alabama. Work on Bellefonte 1 was halted in 1988, when it was 88% completed, in response to decreased power demand.

In August, TVA agreed $248 million in funding for work at the unfinished Bellefonte site in North Alabama to maintain the option for future power generation. The scope of the funding includes engineering, licensing, and procurement of long-lead materials that support a possible start-up date in the 2018-2019 timeframe.

TVA has not yet made a firm decision on Bellefonte completion, saying it would complete its Integrated Resource Plan prior to making its decision.

Areva will carry out engineering work on the plant’s nuclear island, as well as a new state-of-the-art digital Instrumentation and Control (I&C) system and an advance control room.

Speaking about this contract award, Areva North America chief operating officer Mike Rencheck said, “We are delighted to continue our partnership with Tennessee Valley Authority to help expand America’s supply of safe, reliable, carbon-free nuclear energy to meet the country’s growing demands.”