Areva is to set up two new divisions for nuclear and renewable activities, so that it can be in a better position to capitalize on the development clean technologies.
The new operational structure will be made up of six business groups (Mining, Front End, Reactors & Services, Back End, Renewable Energies and T&D, which is in the process of being sold to Alstom/Schneider). Previously there were four Business Groups (see chart below).

Previous company structure
In addition, a cross-company Engineering and Projects Organization has been created to cover all nuclear activities, including design, project management, inspection and construction/commissioning.
In a statement Areva said that the simpler operating mode would “further align the group’s organization with its strategy; better position the group to capitalize on the nuclear renaissance and development of renewable energies; and improve the group’s commercial effectiveness by easing the creation of integrated offers required by the market.
Didier Benedetti, a member of the Executive Board, has been appointed Executive Officer in charge of process optimization. As such he oversees the simplification of the group’s operating modes, the effectiveness of procedures and the pooling of resources.
Luc Oursel, also member of the Executive Board, has been appointed Executive Officer in charge of nuclear operations.
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