A joint venture dedicated to manufacturing the conventional islands of Russian nuclear power plants has been forged between Alstom and JSC Atomenergomash, part of Rosatom, following a framework agreement signed in April.

The joint venture, in which Atomenergomash will hold 51% and Alstom 49%, will be located in Podolsk, close to Moscow. It will manufacture the entire conventional island of nuclear power plants based on Alstom’s Arabelle half-speed turbine technology, that Alstom will transfer to the new company, named Alstom Atomenergomash.

The turbines produced by the joint-venture will be delivered to the Russian nuclear power plants within the framework of the Federal Special Purpose Programme of Nuclear Power Industry Development of Russia. They will also be supplied to nuclear power plants outside Russia when based on Russian nuclear reactor technologies.

The two partners will together invest €300 million in the form of assets and cash.

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