Aiming for the 90s
Performance measure Units “BIG 90” Goal Current Actual Current Target
0.90 Lost time accidents (LTAs) No per million person hours worked <= 0.90 3.0 2.0
90 days of outage per year No of days per station per year <= 90 171 170
90 score on nuclear performanceindex No units: composite measure >= 90 73.4 73.2
90% Capacity factor % (station average) >= 90 81.7 74.3
Going forward cost Cents (US) per kWh <= 90 .99* 1.03*
90% SCRs have no immediate consequence % >= 90 99.7 90
900 total outstanding work orders No of work orders per station < 900 5155 4400
* assuming a Cdn/US Exchange Rate of 0.67