The subject of the contract is the delivery and implementation of 14 3H/14C sampling systems and related ancillary laboratory equipment for sample preparation and subsequent analysis by LSC spectrometry for the Zaporozhye NPP (pilot NPP).
1. Publication reference: EuropeAid/132558/D/SUP/UA.
2. Procedure: Open.
3. Programme: Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC programme 2008).
4. Financing: Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) action programme 2008.
Financing Agreement 2008 with the Government of the Ukraine.
5. Contracting authority: SE NNEGC Energoatom, Kyiv, UKRAINE.
6. Description of the contract:
The existing radiation monitoring systems applied at the EA NPPs are not completely compliant with the best international practices, as well as the recommendations of the International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP), e.g. ICRP-60, 103 publications. Specifically, discharges of tritium and carbon-14 through the vent stacks (VSs) of the power units and SBs are not monitored, despite of significant environmental danger of the mentioned nuclides.
The objective is to improve the system for radiation monitoring of tritium and carbon-14 discharges, which will be integrated into the existing monitoring system.
The subject of the contract is the delivery and implementation of 14 3H/14C sampling systems and related ancillary laboratory equipment for sample preparation and subsequent analysis by LSC spectrometry for the Zaporozhye NPP (pilot NPP).
The scope of supply will include the specific design of the equipment, manufacturing in accordance with the agreed quality assurance programme, development of the ‘Technical specification for supply’ document, metrological certification in accordance with the Ukrainian regulatory requirements, support to licensing, performance of the acceptance testing, delivery to the site and the supervision of the installation, of the site acceptance tests and of the commissioning; furthermore, the provision of the design documentation, operating and maintenance instructions, training to the end-user’s personnel, maintenance support (after-sales), all special tools and equipment for the normal operation and maintenance, spare parts (if purchased) and the warranty as per supply contract.
7. Number and titles of lots: The tender includes a single lot: — 3H/14C monitoring systems and ancillary laboratory equipment.
18.How to obtain the tender dossier: The tender dossier is available from the following Internet address:
Please note that access to the technical specifications will be given to the applicants upon request in writing to or by Fax: +32 22979501, mentioning the publication reference shown in item 1, EuropeAid/132558/D/SUP/UA.
19.Deadline for submission of tenders: All tenders must be submitted before 3.10.2012 (16:00), Central European Time either by recorded delivery (official postal service) or hand delivered (including courier services) directly in return of a signed and dated receipt to the address below:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid, EuropeAid/132558/D/SUP/UA, Unit D6, Office SC15 05/070, avenue du Bourget 1, 1040 Brussels, BELGIUM. Tel. +32 22955883.
Opening hours: 9:00–17:00 Mondays–Thursdays, 9:00–16:00 Friday. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Commission holidays.
Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.
20.Tender opening session: The tenders will be opened in public session on 8.10.2012 (11:00), CET at the following address: European Commission, Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid, rue de la Science 15, Brussels, BELGIUM.
21.Language of the procedure: All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
22.Legal basis: Council Regulation (Euratom) No 300/2007 of 19.2.2007 establishing an Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation.