Nuclear power plants worldwide rely on the quality and dependability of General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems' (GA-EMS) Radiation Monitoring Systems. Since 1965, we have delivered and continuously supported monitoring and detection systems to provide plant operators with the reliability they need to keep maintenance and operating costs low.

Customizable systems including:

  • Area, Process and Containment Monitors
  • Hardened Containment Vent System Monitors
  • In-Line and Adjacent-to-Line Monitors
  • Local/Remote Processors
  • Control Room Indicators
  • Supervisory Computer Systems
  • Calibration Sources and Services

Our flexible designs can be customized to meet site-specific requirements for new plant builds and to retrofit existing plant installations. GA-EMS radiation monitors are built with full qualifications and traceability, eliminating additional costs associated with qualification in place. We also provide diagnostic and system health monitoring capabilities to help operators keep system performance optimal.

We've designed, manufactured, and fielded over 100 unique detectors. We work closely with customers to design and manufacture systems to suit specific plant requirements. We also provide unparalleled customer support and obsolescence mitigation to ensure each system is sustainable over a plant's entire operating lifecycle. Our support services, extensive on- and off-site training, and ease of access to our technology-specific experts help plant operators keep systems safely on-line, all the time.

All our Radiation Monitoring Systems are designed and manufactured in the USA, with a level of quality that is unmatched in the industry for meeting safety and non-safety requirements. We maintain a Quality Assurance (QA) Program that fully complies with the requirements of:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • NQA AS9100
  • NQA-1 (2008) and NQA-1a (2009)
  • 10CFR50, Appendix B
  • ANSI N45.2, including applicable daughter standards
  • Safety Related, Class 1E Qualified