Pöyry is an international consulting and engineering company. We serve clients globally across the energy and industrial sectors, delivering management consulting and engineering services across power generation, transmission & distribution, forest industry, chemicals & biorefining, mining & metals, transportation and water. Pöyry’s net sales in 2016 were EUR 530 million. The company’s shares are quoted on Nasdaq Helsinki (POY1V). Pöyry has approximately 5,500 experts spread across 40 countries and 130 offices
Pöyry’s Energy Business Group, one of the world’s largest and most successful independent energy consulting and engineering firms and a leader in its main practice areas, provides technical consulting, engineering, supervision and project management services within the areas of nuclear power, thermal power, hydro power, renewables and transmission & distribution.
Pöyry provides engineering and consultancy services for the nuclear energy sector over the entire lifecycle of Nuclear Power Plants and supporting facilities/services. We have over 40 years of global experience in nuclear energy and over 300 highly skilled nuclear staff members whose competences are leveraged by an additional 5,000 multidisciplinary specialists within Pöyry’s global network.
Our clients for nuclear energy services include Developers, Owners, Vendors, Contractors, Regulators and Financial Institutions. Pöyry has an established reputation for providing an independent, comprehensive and flexible, value for money service that works in the best interest of the client without compromise.
Typical services include:
- Safety case production, review and update
- Nuclear Site Licensing
- Nuclear New Build (production of Pre-Construction Safety Reports etc)
- Safety Management, Strategy & Organisational Development
- Regulatory reviews (country specific)
- ALARP Assessments
- Radiological Protection
- Spent Fuel & Radioactive Waste Management
- Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Deterministic Safety Assessment
- Safety Assessment Reports (production & independent review)
- Conceptual, basic and detailed design of systems and components, including: Mechanical design; EC&I and Civil
- Engineering and supervision of back-fitting/upgrades
- Life time extension and operational optimisation studies
- Detailed decommissioning, waste treatment, packaging and final disposal studies & engineering
- Radioactive Waste Inventory
- Environmental Impact Assessment, Siting Studies
- Site Investigation Studies
- Power reactors, research reactors, fuel cycle & waste management facilities, research facilities, radioactive waste repositories, PWR, BWR, VVER, Gas cooled.
Our UK clients include EdF NNB GenCo, NuGeneration, Sellafield Ltd, AWE, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, UKAEA, Capenhurst Nuclear Services, Dounreay, Babcock International and the Ministry of Defence.
Our international clients include KA-CARE, Paks NPP, KKL Leibstadt, TVO, Fortum, Fennovoima, Vattenfall, Areva and Sofinel.
Poyry Energy is fully accredited under ISO9001 and ISO14001 and, having supported both defence and civil clients is a List N company and fulfils all the requirements of an X listed company.
With our global, through-life, nuclear industry experience we are able to provide smart solutions to our clients challenging programmes and help secure safe, clean energy supply for future generations.
Please contact Phil Hodges, UK Regional and Managing Director (phil.hodges@poyry.com) for further information.