The second permanent building at Finland’s Hanhikivi 1 NPP site, the security gate building, was completed on 15 August. Hanhikivi-1, a 1,200MWe AES-2006 type VVER pressurised water reactor, being built for owner/operator Fennovoima by Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, is scheduled to begin commercial operation in 2024. The general contractor is Russia’s Titan-2.
The security gate building was constructed by Rakennusliike Sorvoja Oy from Oulainen, and its HPAC and electrical works were undertaken by ARE Oy from Kokkola. Some 35 companies, most from Northern Ostrobothnia, worked at the security gate building site through the subcontract chain. The two-storey, approximately 1,200 square metre security gate building will monitor site traffic and handle some permission administration matters. When the power plant is operational, all passenger and freight traffic will go through the main gate building. The security gate building will be taken into use gradually.
Preparatory work is continuing, including hydraulic construction and dredging works, injections in the bedrock surrounding the plant area, and construction of the accommodation. Approximately 300 people currently work at the site.
Sub-contractors are starting the next stage of construction preparation by crushing rock material excavated from the site, Fennovoima said on 10 August. The material comes from the power plant pit and will be used for projects such as roadbeds and embankments. The sub-contractor is Tallqvist Infra Oy.
Atomenergomash, Rosatom’s equipment manufacturing and engineering division was recently audited on its ability to manufacture and supply long lead items of equipment for Hanhikivi 1. Atomenergomash said on 9 August that the audit team, which included representatives of Finland's Fennovoima, had concluded its quality management system "complies with all the necessary requirements and criteria".