The objective of project A3-B “Reconstruction of the Public Warning and Notification System” is to reconstruct the existing Bohunice On-site Warning and Notification System to an autonomous on-site system for JAVYS, a.s. purposes so as to meet the requirements of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 42/1994 Coll. and the Regulation of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic No 388/2006 Coll. on Civil Defence Information System Technical and Operation Conditions.
The Warning and Notification System currently being operated at Bohunice site consists of an Off-site Warning and Notification System which serves for warning the public in the danger area and for notification of specified authorities and organizations, and of an On-site Warning and Notification System which serves for warning the employees and persons at Bohunice site and for notification of JAVYS a.s. and SE, a.s. Emergency Response Organisations. Reconstruction of the Off-site Warning and Notification System and the On-site Warning and Notification System in the V2 NPP site is currently being performed by SE a.s. and, if necessary, the services of the Off-site VARVYR System will be provided for JAVYS, a.s. as well. Reconstruction of the On-site Warning and Notification System in the V1 NPP, A1 NPP, RWTS and ISFS sites must be assured by JAVYS, a.s. itself so that the reconstructed system should meet the requirements of Regulation of Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic No. 388/2006 Coll.
The Contractor’s scope of work is to design and carry out the reconstruction of On-site Warning and Notification System including:
• establishment of the VARVYR Control Centre,
• modification of the SE Off-site Warning System in the JAVYS and JESS area,
• modification of the On-site Warning System,.
• modification of the On-site Notification System,
• system for the automatic activation of VARVYR
The Contractor’s scope of supply shall include design including Health and Safety Program, engineering, certification, procurement, manufacturing, delivery, installation/erection, dismantling, waste disposal, preparatory works, including the site accommodation, civil works and commissioning, testing and trial operation of the system, development of the as-built documentation and the accompanying technical documentation and Operational Procedures. The scope shall also include provision of adequate training to Employer’s personnel.
The erection and installation works will be performed on the site of Nuclear Power Plant V1 Jaslovské Bohunice.
Procurement will be carried out in accordance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules with the exception of country eligibility restrictions defined within the BIDSF rules.
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of the BIDSF grant which is administered by the Bank is open to firms from all eligible countries and as at 1st January 2010 they are: EU member states, Switzerland, and the EBRD’s Countries of Operations.
The proceeds of the grant will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Chapter of the United Nations.
Tender documents may be obtained from the office at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Euro one hundred and fifty (€ 150) or equivalent in a convertible currency at the account No. EUR 2629106127/1100 IBAN: SK6111000000002629106127 BIC : TATRSKBX.
If requested, the documents will be promptly dispatched by courier, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery.
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security in an amount equal to fifteen thousands Euros (€ 15,000) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below at or before 10.00 a.m, 13th December 2010, Bratislava local time, at which time they will be opened in the presence of those tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend. A register of potential tenderers who have purchased the tender documents may be inspected at the address below.
The site visit will take place on 10th November 2010 beginning from 9.00 a.m. at NPP V1 Jaslovské Bohunice, PMU meeting room (meeting room no. 15, building no. 750-IX-5). For arranging of entry permission the perspective tenderers are requested to submit the following data of their representatives who wish to participate at site visit meeting: name, date of birth, personal identification number for slovak citizens, identification card or passport No., home address, within one week before the visit’s date. Due to limited number of places at meeting room a maximum 2 persons of each tenderer will be allowed to attend the above meeting.
Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at the following office:
BIDSF PMU – Procurement Group, Jadrová a vyrad’ovacia spoločnost’, a.s., Building Nr. 750-IX-5, 919 31Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovak Republic. TEL: +421 33 531 4644. FAX: +421 33 531 4600