Canada’s L3 Mapps said on 30 August that it had signed a service contract with Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power (LHNP) to update the reactor core model on the full-scope simulator for Phase I of the Hongyanhe NPP in China's Liaoning province. L3-Mapps, which originally supplied the simulator under a contract signed in 2007, said work will start immediately. The updated model is scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016.

"The updated Comet Plus reactor model will support an 18-month refuelling cycle to reflect the upgraded refuelling cycle undertaken at the nuclear plant," the company said.  The simulator's fuel cycle data will be updated to the latest plant data using L3's Orchid Core Builder.

LHNP is a joint venture of China General Nuclear, State Power Investment Corporation and Dalian Construction Investment Group. Hongyanhe Phase I, operated by LHNP, has four of the Chinese-designed pressurised water reactor (CPR-1000) units, and is the first NPP built in northeast China as part of the plans to upgrade the ageing industrial base.

In March 2014, China's senior economic planners gave the green light for construction of the second phase of Hongyanhe – the first approval for a new nuclear plant since construction was suspended in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima accident. Hongyanhe-1 entered commercial operation in June 2013 followed by Hongyanhe-2 in May 2014. Units 3 and 4 entered commercial operation in August 2015 and April 2016. The construction of Hongyanhe Phase II (units 5 and 6, with 1,080MWe China General Nuclear-designed ACPR1000 reactors) was approved in 2015 and construction began in March and July 2015, respectively. The units are scheduled to begin operating in 2019 and 2020.

L3 MAPPS received an order from Japan's Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in August 2007 to supply a full-scale simulator for the first two Hongyanhe units. The simulator was delivered by Mitsubishi as part of a larger package – the CPR-1000 Extension Project Digital Control Systems (DCS). Mitsubishi provided am emulation of the safety DCS for the simulator and L-3 translated the non-safety system for used on the simulator. Under a July 2009 contract, L3 MAPPS developed a second pair of simulators for Hongyanhe units 3 and 4.