The radiation safety at Forsmark's Kraftgrupp AB's three boiling water reactors at the Forsmark nuclear power plant is acceptable the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) said on 27 April in this year's overall radiation safety assessment.

SSM noted that FKA has taken several relevant measures with a view to strengthening the radiation safety in the plant. This applies, for example, to FKA's continued work on counteracting degraded power supply.

“This has given increased knowledge of potential weaknesses in the plant, which contributes to increased security. The work with daily operations, periodic testing and audit management in the control room is also well controlled and works well,” SSM said.

“However, there are challenges associated with long-term operations,” said SSM unit manager Leif Karlsson. “The reactors will pass 40 years of operation in the next few years, and in the light of this, continued work is required by FKA to avoid that radiation safety will be adversely affected over time.”

FKA needs to ensure that the remaining time-dependent analyses are carried out and that they quickly develop a plan for how the deficiencies identified by the SSM should be addressed.

In addition, they need to ensure that work on developing analyses for physical protection and reinforcement measures is ongoing in the event of an increased threat picture. FKA also needs to investigate the reasons why an increased number of disturbances have occurred in the reactors and ensure that adequate measures are taken to prevent repetition.

“SSM has for several years emphasised that the organisation is not fully functional and efficient and that there are shortcomings in the management system, among other things in terms of governance,” said Karlsson. “In order to further strengthen the radiation safety in the business, we recommend that FKA take a joint approach to ensure that the organisation functions as intended and that the management system satisfactorily manages and manages the business.”

Photo: Forsmark nuclear power plant