Culham Centre for Fusion Energy is seeking to enter into a 3-year single supplier framework agreement for the development of Remote Handling RH design solutions in support of ongoing design commitments to the ITER project.
The work for this agreement could include the design of remote systems such as force feed back manipulators, transportation devices, cutting tools, welding tools, non destructive inspection devices, cameras and handling tooling.
CCFE is a major centre for fusion research with the construction of extensive facilities to confine and study the behaviour of a plasma in conditions and dimensions approaching those required in a fusion reactor. As part of the UK’s domestic programme, CCFE undertakes design studies of fusion engineering systems to be built for the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor ITER project, of which the UK is a member via Euratom.
Range: between 300 000 and 700 000 GBP.
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, K2 Culham Science Centre, Contact: Contracts Manager, Attn: Lesley Hotchin, Abingdon OX14 3DB, UNITED KINGDOM. Tel. +44 1235466510. E-mail: Fax +44 1235466648. URL:
The Remote Handling Design Framework shall require Supplier to understand and adopt fusion principles, and in particular, ITER RH practices and philosophies in the development of new designs or when designing for RH.
-Further develop or originate new concepts for the remote handling of various ITER systems, in all cases rationalising new requirements in harmony with existing ITER RH equipment and tooling.
-Identify and develop proposals for the prototyping and demonstration of RH technologies critical to the success of RH design proposals.
-Take RH designs to the specified maturity level, incorporate the required functionality and comply with statutory requirements, international codes standards and any nuclear fusion specific standards necessary to meet the demanding environment. Wherever possible designs shall utilise specific equipment components already available and proven in industry.
-Provide resources that are of Chartered Engineer status including technical and drawing office support with suitable competency level commensurate with the complexity of the equipment assigned.
-Provide in house resource with proven track record.
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