High heat flux tests of ITER first wall mock-ups.
LOT NO: 1 TITLE Testing and related services for a set of 4 mock-ups to support the qualification phase of the standard normal heat flux (S-NHF) design and a set of 14 mock-ups with calibrated defects for acceptance criteria
LOT NO: 2 TITLE Testing and related services for a set of 4 mock-ups to support the qualification phase of the standard normal heat flux (S-NHF) design
LOT NO: 3 TITLE Testing and related services for a set of 14 mock-ups with calibrated defects for acceptance criteria
Paul Marshall, Josep Pla No 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral, Building B3, 08019Barcelona, SPAIN. Contact: F4E Procurement. Tel. +34 934897456. E-mail: paul.marshall@f4e.europa.eu