Russia’s Research and Investigations Institute Energoizyskaniya in St Petersburg (SPb NIII EIZ), managed by the Group of Companies ASE, part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom, has called for bids to carry out radiological studies of the ground ecosystems (including agro-ecosystems) at the site of the El Dabaa NPP in Egypt, and within an 80km zone around the site.
According to the procurement documents, the initial (maximum) price of the contract has been set at RUB19.4m ($ 291,757). The bids are due by 5 May and the result will be announced by 6 June. The contract is to be fulfilled within 290 calendar days.
The studies will provide the information necessary for engineering and ecological surveys, for development of the basic design and detailed design of capital projects, including the NPP and desalination facility, as well as for the safety analysis report. The studies should provide data on the content of radionuclides in the ground ecosystems (including agro-ecosystems) to refine assessments of the environmental conditions (zero radiation level) before the El Dabaa plant is commissioned.