Russia has shipped a batch of pedestals for the ITER project (credit: Nikiet)Rosatom has manufactured elements for a new system of the ITER experimental thermonuclear reactor, under construction at Cadarache in France.

The first batch of pedestals for electrical connectors of the blanket modules for have been sent to the ITER International Organisation from the NN Dollezhal Research & Development Institute of Power Engineering (Nikiet), Rosatom announced.

The first batch consisted of 10 pedestals and is the first delivery of Russian equipment for this particular ITER reactor system and delivery of the consignment to its destination in France is expected before the end of the year.

The pedestals are part of the in-chamber components of the blanket system of the reactor. Bimetallic pedestals located on the wall of the reactor vacuum chamber are manufactured by Nikiet in cooperation with Kompozit JSC.

In the future, when assembling the reactor, electrical connectors for blanket modules will be installed on the pedestals, which will also be developed and manufactured at Nikiet. Electrical connectors are designed to close the currents induced in the blanket modules during plasma breakdowns on the wall of the reactor vacuum vessel.

An agreement on the supply of blanket modules between the ITER Organization and the Russian ITER Agency was signed in 2014. In total, Russia has an order to manufacture more than 1000 pedestals.

Photo: Russia has shipped a batch of pedestals for the ITER project (credit: Nikiet)