Russian nuclear utility, Rosenergoatom (part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom) is offering a new business product to foreign markets providing a service for the formation of a database of standard and methodological technical documentation (NTD) necessary for starting up NPPs, operating them, extending their service life, and finally decommissioning them. This service is intended for foreign customers constructing Russian-design NPPs. It will help to ensure safe operation of NPPs at all stages of their life cycle; reduce the time and cost of NPP construction by removing the need to develop a specific regulatory framework; and optimise the process for the issue of appropriate licences and permits by the national regulatory body. In the first quarter of 2018, Rosenergoatom, with the support of Rusatom Service, concluded a pilot contract with the Armenian NPP to assist in the improvement of standard procedures in the field of nuclear energy. Rosenergoatom also won a tender to provide similar services to the Belarus NPP and similar contracts are expected to be concluded in 2018-2020 with a number of priority partner countries including Iran, Turkey and Egypt.
Rosenergoatom is working to assess the market value of all available NTDs and will integrate this into an automated system for managing technical documentation (ASUTD) to produce a comprehensive IT product. Interested organisations (including foreign customers) will be able to with access this documentation on a commercial basis. The market assessment should be completed by the end of this year. The conclusion of contracts was conducted with the involvement of Rusatom Service and work on the market evaluation of documents involves independent appraiser Nexia Pacioli. Work to develop the IT product is being conducted by Roenergoatoms’s business development unit in conjunction with the Department for Production Planning, Modernisation and Life Extension, the Department of IT Project Management and Integration, the Accounting Department, and the Department of Innovative Development.