Framatome ANP’s No-Exclusion Zone Roger robot and manipulator can complete inspection and repair of steam generator tubes without being moved, reducing examination time. It can be pre-programmed to inspect and collect data.
There are two types of No-Exclusion Rogers. The divider plate Roger attaches to the flat divider plate separating the hot and cold legs of W-style recirculating steam generators, while the staywell Roger attaches to the curved plate separating the hot and cold legs of ABB-CE recirculating steam generators.
In recent refuelling outages at Waterford 3 and San Onofre 3, four staywell Rogers were deployed to inspect the SG tubes – 100% top of tube sheets and bobbin inspections, random sampling of dents and dings, low row U-bends and special interest exams. A divider plate Roger was used at Diablo Canyon 1.