The share of nuclear in Russia’s energy mix increased to 19.04% in 2019, up from18.7%, nuclear utility Rosenergoatom has announced.
In the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, excluding electricity from the Bilibino NPP, which has a separate isolated grid, the share of nuclear power plants increased to 19.3% (from 19.1% in 2018).
According to the UES, in 2019, electricity generation in Russia amounted to 1096.4TWh, 0.4% up on 2018.
In 2019 Russian nuclear power plants achieved a new record for electricity generation of more than 208.78TWh exceeding the total in 2018 (204.28TWh) by more than 4.5TWh. This represented 103% of of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) target for the year of 202.7TWh.
Rosenergoatom said that optimisation of repair outage periods at Russian reactors (notably Kursk 1&2 and Leningrad 4) in 2019 resulted in an additional generation of 2.9TWh.
During 2019, Rosenergoatom said 37 repairs were carried out at 32 nuclear units. In 2020, it plans to carry out 41 repairs with a target total outage duration of 2484 days.
Russia has 10 nuclear power plants comprising 36 reactors with a combined installed capacity of 30.25 GWe.