Ukrainian nuclear utility Energoatom and US-based Westinghouse are launching an internship programme for Ukrainian nuclear professionals in the USA, during which more than 60 specialists and graduate-level students will receive training in AP1000 plant technology.

The multi-year programme will begin in the autumn at the Westinghouse’s global headquarters in the USA. Following completion of the programme, the newly trained professionals “will have numerous opportunities to apply their engineering, technical and technological support skills within new projects to build power generating units in Ukraine using this technology, including the newly established Westinghouse Engineering Centre in Kyiv,” Energoatom said. Ukrainian specialists will also be trained to provide critical support for future programmes to decommission power generating units at Ukrainian NPPs, it added.

Energoatom Executive Director for Human resources Oleh Boyaryntsev said the most talented and promising young specialists and graduate-level students from leading Ukrainian universities will be selected for the programme. "We will identify exceptional talent across our young professionals and up-and-coming graduates of leading Ukrainian universities. The opportunity for months of immersion in the AP1000 plant technology will be invaluable to these bright minds and allows us to accelerate our clean energy goals and energy security efforts," he said.

"The Westinghouse training programme will provide a unique experience to Ukrainian professionals and university students for advancement within the nuclear energy industry as we begin implementing AP1000 plant projects across Ukraine," Westinghouse Energy Systems President David Durham said.

In June 2022, Westinghouse and Energoatom expanded agreements for Westinghouse to supply all nuclear fuel for the Energoatom operating fleet in Ukraine and to build nine AP1000 plants across the country. Westinghouse said the design and build of the AP1000 plants will leverage significant US-Ukraine industrial cooperation, featuring content from supply chains in both countries.

Image: Energoatom and Westinghouse sign agreement to launching an internship programme for Ukrainian nuclear professionals during which more than 60 specialists and graduate-level students will receive training in AP1000 plant technology (courtesy of Westinghouse/Energoatom)