Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB on 19 April awarded a contract to  US company Caterpillar and its official Swedish distributor Zeppelin Power Systems to supply six Cat 3500 Series industrial diesel engines for a new independent core cooling system at Sweden’s Forsmark nuclear plant. 

Installation of the new system – required to meet new post-Fukushima regulations in Sweden – will be carried out in stages and is expected to be completed next year. Caterpillar said the diesel engines would provide electricity to custom-made GSG cooling water pumps manufactured by Swiss pumping solutions specialist Sulzer. It added that the pump packages would be installed as part of an independent core cooling system that would be put into use if an emergency occurs at the three reactors of the Forsmark plant. 

Forsmarks Kraftgrupp project manager Patrik Lundgren said: “Nuclear power provides about 40% of all the energy used in Sweden, so it is important to have systems in place that ensure the safe operation of nuclear reactors.” The Forsmark  NPP comprises three boiling water reactors that generate nearly 25TWh a year providing almost 17% of all the power consumed in Sweden. Forsmark is owned 66% by Vattenfall, while E.ON and Mellansvensk Kraftgrupp hold stakes of 8.5% and 25.5% respectively.

Photo: Forsmark nuclear plant