Russia’s Electrochemical Plant (ECP) in Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory (part of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company) has launched the third line of new generation gas centrifuges on schedule, TVEL said on 9 September.
The commissioning of new equipment is being implemented within the framework of the programme for the modernisation of production facilities in the Fuel Division with a phased replacement of previous generation centrifuges. In total, in 2021, it is planned to re-equip a total of five cascades of centrifuges with new equipment.
The sections with the latest generation of centrifuges began being commissioned at the ECP in the spring of 2019. In 2020, three lines were introduced ahead of schedule.
“The unit repair technology, developed and successfully implemented by the company's specialists during the second modernisation of gas centrifuge equipment in 1998-2006, continues to prove its effectiveness,” said ECP Deputy General Director Rinat Asadulin.
“A complex of dismantling, installation and commissioning works is carried out in a way that ensures the neighbouring gas centrifuge equipment located in the immediate vicinity does not stop operating. The widespread use of the principles and tools of the Rosatom production system at almost all stages – from dismantling to start-up, as well as the well-established interaction of all ECP divisions and contractor organisations, the regular supply of equipment and materials makes it possible to maintain high rates and quality of work.”
New centrifuges are supplied to ECP by TVEL’s machine-building enterprises: KMZ (Kovrov, Vladimir Region) and NPO Tsentrotech (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region).