A shipment of 16 mixed oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel assemblies arrived at Japan's Takaham nuclear power plant today (21 September), from France.

Pacific Heron and Pacific Egret left Europe on 5 July 2017 carrying the fuel assemblies which were manufactured in France.

PNTL, a subsidiary of International Nuclear Services (INS) was responsible for the safety and security of the shipment from departure to arrival.  New AREVA and its customer Kansai Electric Power Company, which operates the Takahama plant, are both shareholders in PNTL. 

Takahama 3&4 – two of the five Japanese reactors currently in operation – are both 830MWe (net) pressurised water reactors. Takahama 4 was restarted in May 2017, and Takahama 3 in June 2017.

The Mox fuel assemblies are due to be used in Takahama 4 in 2018. 

Photo: Pacific Egret at sea (Credit PNTL)