The reactor pressure vessel has been installed at China’s demonstration Hualong One nuclear reactor, Fuqing 5, under construction at in Fujian province.

China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said Fuqing 5 is expected to start up and begin commercial operation in 2019 or 2020. Installation of the RPV marks the completion of the installation of the unit’s main components, CNNC said.

The Hualong One reactor pressure vessel was designed by China Nuclear Power Research and Design Institute and manufactured by China First Heavy Machinery.

The three steam generators and pump casings were installed earlier in January. Two demonstration Hualong One units are being built at Fuqing 5&6. The Hualong One (HPR1000), an indigenous 1100MWe, three-loop pressurised water reactor, incorporates elements of CNNC’s ACP1000 and China General Nuclear’s (CGN's) reactor designs. Construction of two Hualong One units is also underway at CGN’s Fangchenggang in Guangxi province. Those units, based on CGN's ACPR1000+ design, are also expected to start up in 2019 and 2020.

Pakistan is also building Hualong One units at its Karachi nuclear power plant. Construction began on Karachi 2 in 2015 and Karachi 3 in 2016. The reactor pressure vessel was installed at Karachi 2 in October 2017, and the units are planned to begin operation in 2021 and 2022.

CGN proposes to use the Hualong One at the planned new nuclear plant at Bradwell in the UK. The HPR1000, is currently undergoing  Generic Design Assessment (GDA) review by the UK regulator. Once approved, CGN plans to use in the UK and markets around the world. The GDA began in January 2017, and passed the first stage in November. CGN estimates the whole review to take five years.

Photo: The reactor pressure vessel installed at Fuqing 5 on 28th January (Credit: CNNC)